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Personnel Assignment

QUADRO CRO provides Sponsors with personnel for various posts, including CRAs, Field Associates etc

QUADRO CRO provides Sponsors with personnel for various posts, including CRAs, Field Associates etc.

  • Personnel selection is made after necessary searches are completed to identify suitable candidates according to the specifications and timelines as agreed with the sponsor (e.g., a biologist, chemists, pharmacist, nurse)
  • Candidates for a position are interviewed, and CVs of eligible ones are forwarded to the Sponsor for approval, or personnel selection may be fully undertaken by us, depending on the agreement with the sponsor. Personnel may be employed half- or full-time, based on the sponsor’s requirements.
  • Recruits are provided with ICH/GCP training, together with basic training according to a predefined plan and timeline.
  • Training provided include role descriptions as relevant to Ethics Committees, Clinical Trials Regulation, Serious Adverse Events, SUSARs, INs and site processes.
  • Upon the request of Sponsor, all personnel may be monitored in real-time using a web-based application, enabling instant personnel reports.
  • Roles and responsibilities of Field Associates employed by our company are determined by the related legal guidelines.